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List of Instructors

Name Affiliationssort ascending Courses
Matt Goldrick Northwestern University Gradient Symbolic Computation
William S. Horton Northwestern University Experimental Pragmatics
Chris Barker New York University Continuations and Natural Language
Lucas Champollion New York University Linguistic Applications of Mereology
Martin Haspelmath MPI for the Science of Human History Introduction to Language Typology
David Pesetsky MIT Introduction to Syntax, Topics in Syntax and Semantics of Slavic
Morgan Sonderegger McGill University Computational Approaches to Sound Change
Michel DeGraff Massachusetts Institute of Technology Topics in Creole Studies: From historical linguistics to computational phylogenetics
Sergei Tatevosov Lomonosov Moscow State University Topics in Syntax and Semantics of Slavic
Christopher Cieri Linguistic Data Consortium Archival Resources and How to Prepare Your Data for Preservation and Sharing
Lisa Cheng Leiden University Topics in Chinese Syntax
Alexander Clark King's College London Computational Learning of Syntax
Paul Smolensky Johns Hopkins University Gradient Symbolic Computation
Carole Chaski Institute for Linguistic Evidence Linguistics as a Forensic Science
Jonathan Dunn Illinois Institute of Technology Data-driven Computational Pragmatics
Shlomo Engelson Argamon Illinois Institute of Technology Data-driven Computational Pragmatics
Stephen Matthews Hong Kong University The Structure of Cantonese
Kevin Ryan Harvard University Corpus Phonology
Maria Polinsky Harvard University Verb-initiality
Jennifer Nycz Georgetown University Sociophonetics
Paul Portner Georgetown University The Syntax and Semantics of Discourse-Oriented Features: The grammar of speaker and addressee
Miok Pak George Washington University The Syntax and Semantics of Discourse-Oriented Features: The grammar of speaker and addressee
Sravana Reddy Dartmouth College Language Variation through the Lens of Web Data
Alex Cristia CNRS (France) From input to production through perception: Making the most of extant data in early language acquisition research
Giorgio Magri CNRS (France) The Computational Theory of the Error-driven Ranking Model of the Acquisition of Phonotactics
Patrick C. M. Wong Chinese University of Hong Kong Introduction to Language Disorders
Virginia Yip Chinese University of Hong Kong Introduction to Bilingualism
Barbara Johnstone Carnegie Mellon University Introduction to Discourse Analysis
Lev Blumenfeld Carleton University Metrics
Philip Hofmeister Brown University Language and Memory
Lawrence Solan Brooklyn Law School Language and Law
