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Archival Resources and How to Prepare Your Data for Preservation and Sharing


Archival Resources and How to Prepare Your Data for Preservation and Sharing

This course introduces concepts in corpus development that help the data to be reused by the creator or by others and to be archived and adapted for larger, comparative studies which may range over geographical space or time to permit the analysis of linguistic change in real time. The course will address the importance of robust collection, the coding and storage of specific demographic, situational and attitudinal metadata and reusable annotation as well as practical issues such as preparing for Institutional Review Board oversight to permit data sharing among linguists. In particular, we will explore the concepts of data, metadata and annotation and their roles in analysis by the corpus developer and by subsequent users. The course should be most helpful for students who are already collecting data or who hope to be doing so in the near future.

Course Status: Closed

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Course Number:


Course Session:

Four-week Session


8:30 am-10:20 am
8:30 am-10:20 am


Students should have an interest in gathering a corpus for their own research.