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Checkin Information for Instructors
Checkin Information for Instructors
Here is some important information that we hope will be helpful to Institute faculty:
1) For those who will be arriving on or by July 5, we hope you can make it to a welcome barbecue from 5-8 PM in the Hutchinson Courtyard in the main quad. It is the green space with a fountain in the middle of it near the corner of 57th and University that you can see on this map:
In case of rain, the barbecue will be held inside Hutchinson Commons to the north of this courtyard.
2) For arrival: If you are living in a dormitory, you can arrive there directly even if you arrive outside regular checkin hours (9-9 on Sunday, July 5 and 19). If you are living off-campus, you can check in at Max Palevsky Residential Commons during regular checkin hours, or you can check in at the registration office in Rosenwald Hall room 208 between 8 AM and 5:30 PM on on Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday, and from 10AM to 4PM on Wednesdays (all locations can be found on the campus map linked above). The document also includes some notes about the buildings.
From both Midway and O'Hare airports, the easiest way to get to campus is to take a taxi. You can be reimbursed for ground transportation to and from the airport with a receipt.
4) Airfare reimbursement can be done with a receipt showing the paid amount for your ticket (it must indicate payment). No boarding passes will be needed. Please send your e-ticket receipt to Becky ( or bring it with you. W9s and other financial documents can be brought with you and given to Becky. Any questions about how to fill out the forms can be addressed in person.
5) You should have received a course schedule by email with room assignments. If you have any trouble finding your building on the campus map, you can ask one of our volunteers at check-in to help you. We will also have volunteers stationed around the main quad on the first couple of days of each session to direct you. These volunteers will be wearing blue Institute t-shirts.
6) IMPORTANT: All classrooms will have whiteboard/blackboards and a projector and screen. However, if you will also be needing speakers to play audio or video for your class, please let me know and tell me on which days (if all, just say all) - We will have to make sure that your classroom has speakers or arrange for some to be borrowed.
7) You should all have received a class roster by now - we will send an updated one the weekend before classes starts to let you know if your list of registered students has changed.
8) As a reminder, information about copying handouts/assignments and about electronic resources for students (and how to set up a course site if you want one) can be found in the Guidelines for Instructors that Karlos sent out:
Please feel free to contact Karlos with any questions about this.
9) If you have requested office space, please come to the Institute Office at Rosenwald 208 on the first day of class (July 6 or July 20) to pick up your key and room assignment. For those of you who did not request a desk for dedicated use (thank you!), you will still have access to a set of drop-in offices in Cobb 215, Cobb 216, and Cobb 217 on a first-come-first-served basis. We will put up sign up sheets there. You may reserve up to 1 hour of use at a time. Questions about office space should be directed to Alan.
10) For those who are living in one of the dorms (Granville-Grossman, Max Palevsky, and Stony Island), sheets, towels, a pillow and a blanket will be provided in each room. If you get cold easily you may want to bring an extra blanket (the dorm desks do not have extras). Linens are exchanged in the dorms on Tuesdays and Fridays from 7 AM to 1 PM - just bring your used linens/towels to the front desk and pick up new ones.
11) There are some university parking lots/garages near most housing options that you can park in for $85/month (contrary to what I previously told some of you). If you are interested in paying for a parking pass rather than parking on the street, let me know.
12) Institute IDs will be given out when you pick up your registration package. Please be sure to bring a government-issued ID or passport to check-in. If your photo was not received in time or did not meet specifications for IDs, you will get a temporary ID card to get you into the dorms and dining hall (if you need one), and can get your real ID card by having your picture taken on arrival. If you lose your ID card, there is a $25 fee to replace it.
13) Finally, if any of you will be here during the second session and would like to attend a White Sox game on July 22 at 7:10 PM, please email Brandon Waldon at Tickets are $20 including transportation. We still have about 15 left.
If you have more questions by writing to We are really looking forward to your arrival and to a fantastic Institute!