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Language in Social and Cultural Context
Language in Social and Cultural Context
Language contextualized as social action and as a medium of cultural knowledge and value. The semiotics of 'interaction ritual' (Goffman): How "what one says" projects as "what one comes to have done" in discursive interaction. Denotation and the pragmatics of language: indexicality in the entextualization/contextualization process. The specifically socio-cultural component of "knowledge of language" and the sociolinguistic division of denotational labor. Heteroglossia (Bakhtin) and language variation: semiotic processes of enregisterment in relation to sociolinguistic variation. Cultural politics of language and of linguistics.
Course Status: Closed
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Course Session:
Four-week Session
10:30 am-12:20 pm
Thursday: 10:30 am-12:20 pm
Some social science background as well as basic linguistics would be useful.