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Ljiljana Progovac


Ljiljana Progovac

Wayne State University

Ljiljana Progovac is professor of linguistics and director of the Linguistics Program at Wayne State University. Her research interests include syntax, Slavic syntax, and the evolution of syntax. She has published three books: Negative and Positive Polarity (1994, CUP), A Syntax of Serbian (2005, Slavica), and a co-edited volume A Syntax of Nonsententials (2006, Benjamins). Since 2008, Progovac published six journal articles and twelve other papers on the subject of the evolution of syntax, three of which in Biolinguistics. During this time period, she delivered eight invited or keynote presentations on the topic. Her book manuscript A Program for Evolutionary Syntax is currently under review. Progovac received three grants for her research on language evolution: Gershenson Distinguished Faculty Award (2007), Keal Faculty Fellowship (2013), and Marilyn Williamson Endowed Distinguished Faculty Fellowship (2014). She also has an extensive record of reviewing for journals, conferences, presses, and grant agencies.