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Paul Cook


Paul Cook

Assistant Professor
University of New Brunswick

Paul Cook is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of New Brunswick. Paul earned his PhD from the University of Toronto in 2010. Before joining the University of New Brunswick Paul was a MITACS Elevate Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto from 2010-2011, and a McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellow at The University of Melbourne from 2011 to 2014.
Paul's research focuses on how natural language processing can be applied to help to produce better dictionaries. His specific interests include word-sense induction, identifying neologisms and new word-senses, multiword expressions, social media text processing, and web corpus construction and evaluation. In his research Paul collaborates with lexicographers, and he publishes in both natural language processing and lexicography venues.


  • Guest Lecture by Peter Sokoloski, Editor-at-Large, Merriam-Webster

    Thursday, July 23, 2015 - 9:15am to 10:15am

    The Dictionary as Data: What the Online Dictionary Tells Us About English

    Peter Sokolowski, Editor-at-Large, Merriam-Webster

    Time: July 23, 9:20-10:20, Harper 140

    What makes a person look up a word? When do you use a dictionary? Looking up a word in the dictionary is an intimate act for each of us as individuals, but the words sought by millions of users put together tell us a surprising story about the English language. By watching trends of lookups on a heavily consulted online dictionary, lexicographers track which entries are being consulted at any given moment. Some words are perennial sources of curiosity, while others show spikes of interest triggered by news from the worlds of politics, entertainment, and sports. Some words express the general mood of the culture; others reflect a poignant specificity. At the same time, this Web traffic tells a story about the changing business of dictionaries -- and what is expected of a dictionary in the 21st century.