Karen Livescu
Assistant ProfessorKaren Livescu is an Assistant Professor at TTI-Chicago, where she has been since 2008. She completed her PhD at MIT in the Spoken Language Systems group of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and was a post-doctoral lecturer in the MIT EECS department. Karen's main research interests are in speech and language processing, with a slant toward combining machine learning with knowledge about linguistics and speech science. Her recent work has included multi-view learning of speech representations, articulatory models of pronunciation variation, discriminative spoken term detection and pronunciation modeling, and automatic sign language recognition. She is a member of the IEEE Spoken Language Technical Committee, an associate editor for IEEE TASLP, and an organizer/co-organizer of a number of recent workshops, including the ISCA SIGML workshops on Machine Learning in Speech and Language Processing, Midwest Speech and Language Days, and the Interspeech Workshop on Speech Production in Automatic Speech Recognition.