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Intonational Phonology and Prosodic Typology
Intonational Phonology and Prosodic Typology
The course has two goals. First, students will learn the Autosegmental-Metrical (AM) model of intonational phonology and how to transcribe intonational tones and prosodic structure using the English ToBI transcription system, and second, students will be introduced to a model of prosodic typology which is based on intonational phonology of various languages described in the same AM framework.
Course Status: Closed
This course is currently at capacity. Login to be added to the course's waiting list.Course Number:
Course Session:
Four-week Session
8:30 am-10:20 am
Thursday: 8:30 am-10:20 am
Students are expected to be familiar with basic phonetics and an undergraduate
level syntax 1 or phonology 1 material, especially the concept of underlying vs.
surface representations and a hierarchical structure.